Z današnjim dnem sta generalni direktor cerna Rolf Heuer in turški minister za energijo in naravne danosti Taner Yildiz podpisala sporazum po katerem Turčija postaja nova pridružena članica cerna.

Turkey was granted Observer Status at CERN in 1961. In 2008 a Co-operation Agreement between CERN and the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) was signed concerning the further development of scientific and technical cooperation in high-energy physics. Turkish physicists have participated in a number of CERN experiments over recent years, notably CHORUS where they made several important contributions to data analysis.

Today, Turkish physicists are active in the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments at the LHC, and are also involved with the CAST, NA63 and OPERA experiments as well as experiments at the ISOLDE facility. Turkey operates a Tier-2 centre of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, and some 110 Turkish scientists are registered users of CERN’s facilities.

Verjetno ni potrebno omenjati, da Slovenija še vedno ni članica CERN.

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10 - št. let nazaj

Ali je komu jasno, kako lahko Prof. Lukšič vsak dan nekje po Sloveniji promovira svojo politično stranko, poleg tega pa vleče polno plačo profesorja na FDV (baje €2500)?

Vem da ni na pravem mestu, ampak tukaj ste tudi profesorji, pa bo že kdo pomagal najti pravi odgovor.

10 - št. let nazaj

Je pa Slovenija izrazila in potrdila željo po pridružitvi že leta 91 in kljub temu da nismo člani en kup naših znanstvenikov sodeluje z njimi. Je "krivda" za nečlanstvo res v tem "ker smo pač Slovenci in nismo za nič dobri", kot implicirate?