Gravitacijska sila po vsej verjetnosti deluje na antimaterijo na enak način kot na materijo z enako maso –  vsaj v našem konsistentnem opisu kvantnega sveta se zdi tako. Eksperimentalna kolaboracija ALPHA je sedaj objavila prvo direktno analizo vpliva gravitacije na antisnov. Iz izjave za javnost

“This is the first demonstrated experimental method to directly address the question of the gravitational nature of antimatter, and we look forward to refining it when we start up again in 2014. With more data, and perhaps atoms with even less thermal motion to compete with gravity, we hope to be able to test whether antimatter actually falls down,” said Hangst. 

“In the unlikely event that antimatter falls upwards, we would have to revise our view of the way the universe works,” said Joel Fajans, a member ALPHA at the University of California, Berkeley. “We’ve taken the first steps toward a direct experimental test of questions that physicists and non-physicists have been wondering about for more than 50 years.”

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