V Guardianu si lahko preberete zanimiv Žižkov komentar nedavnih volitev: Why Obama is more than Bush with a human face | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is free | The Guardian. Nekaj odlomkov:

The philosopher Jean-Claude Milner recently proposed the notion of the “stabilising class”: not the old ruling class, but all who are committed to the stability and continuity of the existing social, economic and political order – the class of those who, even when they call for a change, do so to ensure that nothing really will change. The key to electoral success in today’s developed states is winning over this class. Far from being perceived as a radical transformer, Obama won them over, and that’s why he was re-elected. The majority who voted for him were put off by the radical changes advocated by the Republican market and religious fundamentalists.

A great art of politics is to insist on a particular demand that, while thoroughly realist, feasible and legitimate, disturbs the core of the hegemonic ideology. The healthcare reforms were a step in this direction – how else to explain the panic and fury they triggered in the Republican camp? They touched a nerve at the core of America’s ideological edifice: freedom of choice. … Obama’s healthcare reforms effectively deliver a large part of the population from the dubious “freedom” to worry about who will cover their illnesses. … What the US has to learn to take into account is the foundation of the “freedom to choose”.

Obama is often accused of dividing the American people instead of bringing them together to find bipartisan solutions – but what if this is what is good about him? In situations of crisis, a division is urgently needed between those who want to drag on within old parameters and those who are aware of necessary change. Such a division, not opportunistic compromises, is the only path to true unity.

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