“Hladna vojna” med znanstveniki – s slovensko udeležbo

Članek v Pravdi “Russian scientists overturn US theory of Earth’s magnetic field” se bere kot zapis iz hladne vojne, v stilu naši (ruski) znanstveniki so boljši kot vaši (ameriški) [vstavite po želji tudi športniki/umetniki/vohuni…]:

In January 2015, US-based scientists Ronald Cohen and Peng Zhang of Carnegie Institution (Washington) and Christian Houle of Rutgers University (New Jersey) published an article in Nature Magazine, in which they claimed that the theory of the formation of the magnetic field of the planet adopted after 2012 was untenable.

The scientists based their calculations on computer simulations. The research thus confirmed the classical theory, according to which thermal convection in the Earth’s core serves as the source of the magnetic fields of the planet. The theory of the US scientists produced quite a stir in the scientific world.

However, scientists from Linköping University (Sweden), Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), MISiS (Russia) and the École Polytechnique (France) have found a mistake in the calculations of their American partners.

Zabavno pri tem je da sta tako na ameriški kot ruski strani vmešana slovenska znanstvenika. Christian Houle je Kristjan Haule, profesor fizike na Rutgersu, sicer letnik pred menoj na FMF, na slovenski strani pa Jernej Mravlje z IJS (vrata levo od moje stare pisarne)…

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