PubMed bo sedaj navajal tudi izjave o nasprotju interesov

Osrednji iskalnik po znanstvenih raziskavah s področja medicine in znanosti o življenju PubMed bo sedaj pod povzetki člankov navajal tudi izjave o morebitnem konfliktu interesov avtorjev. Na ta način želijo povečati zaupanje v izsledke raziskav, saj bodo morebitni konflikti interesov hitreje in lažje opaženi.

PubMed, the invaluable federal database of abstracts from medical and life science journals, has started including authors’ conflict-of-interest statements beneath studies’ abstracts on search-result pages.  The new policy, quietly announced in March in a Technical Bulletin from the National Library of Medicine, comes 13 months after the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest and six other organizations, 62 scientists and physicians, and five United States Senators asked the NLM and the National Institutes of Health to publish the disclosures.

Hundreds of millions of searches are conducted on PubMed annually by people around the globe.  In a March 2016 letter to NIH and NLM, CSPI and other supporters cited studies published in Cochrane Collaboration, PLoS Medicine, and elsewhere that found that outcomes of studies on drugs, medical devices, and nutrition were often favorable to funders’ interests. (Vir: PubMed to Include Conflict-of-Interest Statements with Study Abstracts | Center for Science in the Public Interest)

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