Globalna stavka akademikov proti rasizmu

Skupina akademikov, za sedaj pretežno is S. Amerike in zahodne Evrope, poziva k stavki in ustavitvi vseh akademskih aktivnosti naslednjo sredo, 10. junija, z namenom, da se opozori na problem rasizma tudi v akademskem svetu:

We are conscious of the ways in which Black students and scholars, including two authors of this letter to the community, are expected to do the heavy lifting to advocate for and support justice and representation in academia. We know that this burden functions as an unfair and unevenly distributed barrier to their ability to thrive in academia. We call for a universal strike to give them a break and because those of us with the most privilege have the greatest responsibility to use that privilege to enact change. We must confront the institutional barriers to justice for Black people in academia and beyond, challenge the notion of the meritocracy whereby “objective and neutral” criteria infused with systemic racism are used to exclude Black people from physics and other academic disciplines, and rebuild our institutions and collaborations in a way that is just and equitable.

We will stop all usual academic work for the day, including teaching, research, and service responsibilities. All ordinary meetings of classes, research groups, and seminars should be cancelled or replaced with discussions with colleagues about anti-black bias in the world and in academia.

We will also stop activities that advance our own scholarship, including performing research, reading and submitting papers, or sending e-mails about research.

Če bi se želeli pridružiti stavki lahko dodate svoj podpis tukaj. Čeprav je večina organizatorjev iz področja fizike delcev in astrofizike, organiziraji želijo, da se stavki pridruži čim širše število akademikov. 

Podpri Kvarkadabro!
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Brane Slevec
Brane Slevec
4 - št. let nazaj

Rasizem je široko opredeljiv pojem, vsekakor pa vedno poteka v vseh smereh, v glavnem pa se ga poslužujejo, ga spodbujajo in iniciirajo predvsem tisti, ki so se samooklicali za ‘voditelje širokih ljudskih množic’, katerekoli barve ali ideologije pač že. To temo je, kljub svoji ‘kontroverzni’ in tudi dokaj freudistični usmerjenosti, precej posrečeno obdelal W. Reich v svoji ‘Masovni psihologiji fašizma’ (1933) … se mi pa zdi … čudno, kadar so v ‘masovno polariteto’, prostovoljno ali ne, vključeni tudi ljudje, katerih poklic je kritično in analitično razmišljanje in raziskovanje, po domače povedano: znanstveniki. Na tem mestu bi lahko parafraziral tudi Dobrico Čosića,… Beri dalje »