Očitno tudi fiziki niso imuni pred pastmi fundamentalizma. Tole je novica z BBC
France has arrested a researcher at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) for suspected al-Qaeda links, officials say. The man is one of two brothers arrested in the town of Vienne in south-east France on Thursday.The brothers are thought to have links with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb – al-Qaeda’s north African wing.
Tole pa sporočilo generalnega direktorja cerna
A person arrested in Vienne, France, on 8 October under suspicion of links to terrorist organizations in Algeria is a physicist who has been working on analysis projects with the LHCb experiment at CERN since 2003. He was not a CERN employee and performed his research under a contract with an outside institute. His work did not bring him into contact with anything that could be used for terrorism: CERN is a particle physics research laboratory whose research addresses fundamental questions about the universe. None of our research has potential for military application, and all our results are published openly in the public domain. CERN is providing the support requested by the French police in this enquiry.
Ko izvem več poročam.
Za vsak slučaj bi rad vse skupaj samo pomiril, da ona skrivnostna omemba še enega brata nima nobene zveze s to objavo.
"Perhaps we have avoided the worst"
Brice Hortefeux, French Interior Minister (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8299668.stm)
Hm, dilema je zdaj, ali nas je al-kaida z lansko sabotažo rešila kozmične črne luknje, ali pa šele planirala potek eksperimenta v tej smeri ? 😉
Direktno od DG-ja:"Geneva 12 October 2009. Following the arrest in Vienne, France, on Thursday 8 October of a man suspected of links to terrorist organizations, CERN has the following statement to make. CERN is a fundamental physics research laboratory founded 55 years ago on the basis of openness and collaboration between nations. All of our results are made publicly available. The laboratory provides facilities that are used by scientists working at over 500 Universities and institutes around the world, and CERN plays a strong role in promoting peaceful dialogue between nations through science. CERN does not carry out research in… Beri dalje »