Zima in mraz včasih ustvarita nenavadne naravne pojave. Eden takšnih so vrteče se krožne ledene ploskve. Pred nekaj dnevi je pojav posnel sprehajalec v ZDA.
Več podatkov o fiziki vrtečih se kosov ledu najdete v članku Phys. Rev. E 93, 033112 (2016) – Rotation of melting ice disks due to melt fluid flow. Kratek povzetek: “The spinning occurs because of a quirky property of water: It’s densest at 4 degrees Celsius. In their experiments, the scientists measured the flow of the water beneath the ice, and found that the icy disc cooled the water surrounding it. When surrounding water hit the 4 degree point, it sank and formed a vortex. This vortex of water whirls the ice floating atop it.” (Vir: What’s Causing These Eerie Spinning Ice Discs?)
Podoben pojav so v preteklosti opazili tudi na drugih rekah:
Vir: What’s Causing These Eerie Spinning Ice Discs? in WATCH: This crazy spinning ice disc just appeared in a Michigan river – ScienceAlert
Pred leti (več kot 40) je Proteus objavil fotografijo razpoke v ledu Blejskega jezera, ki je imela pravilno sinusno obliko.
Včasih je treba tudi malo pomagati, kot so tile Finci 🙂