Pri reviji Scinetific American zbrali odgovore Clintonove, Trumpa in Steinove (zeleni) na 20 vprašanj o znanosti, tehnologiji, zdravju in okolju. Njihove odgovore si lahko preberete tule: What Do the Presidential Candidates Know about Science? – Scientific American.
The questions were developed and refined by dozens of scientific organizations representing more than 10 million scientists and engineers after a crowd-sourcing effort led and coordinated by Scientific American, as the group’s media partner, plans to grade the candidates’ answers in advance of the September 26 presidential debate.
“Sometimes politicians think science issues are limited to simply things like the budget for NASA or NIH, and they fail to realize that a President’s attitude toward and decisions about science and research affect the public wellbeing, from the growth of our economy, to education, to public health,” Rush Holt, CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and executive publisher of the Science family of journals, said in a statement accompanying the questions’ release. “Voters should have a chance to know where the presidential candidates stand. We want journalists and voters to ask these questions insistently of the candidates and their campaign staff.”
Kandidatka zelenih je Jill Stein – zdaj ali je Steinova tako kot Clintonova ali pa sta sami svoji…
Ni za kaj.