V reviji Environmental Research Letters je skupina znanstvenikov objavila članek o razvpiti teoriji zarote, po kateri naj bi bile sledi, ki jih na nebu med letom puščajo letala, v resnici del skrivnega programa razprševanja kemičnih snovi v atmosfero z namenom vplivanja na vreme, podnebje in morda celo počutje ljudi.

V raziskavi z naslovom Quantifying expert consensus against the existence of a secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program so s pomočjo 77 strokovnjakov s področja atmosferske kemije preučili dokaze za obstoj “chemtrailov” in prišli do zaključka, da skrivnega programa ni.

Teorija zarote je popularna tudi v naših krajih, o čemer priča spodnji odlomek iz zabavne oddaje o chemtrailih na Valu 2020: Poslušalka je jasna: “V Savinjski imamo orgonske topove!”.

Nagovor avtorja članka, v katerem predstavi raziskavo in vzroke, zakaj so se je sploh lotili:

Povzetek članka: Nearly 17% of people in an international survey said they believed the existence of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP) to be true or partly true. SLAP is commonly referred to as ‘chemtrails’ or ‘covert geoengineering’, and has led to a number of websites purported to show evidence of widespread chemical spraying linked to negative impacts on human health and the environment. To address these claims, we surveyed two groups of experts—atmospheric chemists with expertize in condensation trails and geochemists working on atmospheric deposition of dust and pollution—to scientifically evaluate for the first time the claims of SLAP theorists. Results show that 76 of the 77 scientists (98.7%) that took part in this study said they had not encountered evidence of a SLAP, and that the data cited as evidence could be explained through other factors, including well-understood physics and chemistry associated with aircraft contrails and atmospheric aerosols. Our goal is not to sway those already convinced that there is a secret, large-scale spraying program—who often reject counter-evidence as further proof of their theories—but rather to establish a source of objective science that can inform public discourse.

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Po tem, ko sem preletel zgoraj omenjeno raziskavo “Quantifying
expert consensus against the existence of a secret, large-scale
atmospheric spraying program”, se mi je zazdelo prav neverjetno,
kaj se je zgodilo z znanstveno metodo v le sto letih.

Si predstavljate, da bi Michelson prišel k Morleyu in mu rekel:
“Poslušaj, Edward, 95% procentov mojih kolegov misli, da je
maksimalna razlika v hitrostih svetlobe obratno sorazmerna
zemljepisni širini, tako da so meritve popolnoma odveč.”

Zanimivo je tudi, da je tako anketiranje danes objavljivo,
kvarkadabra pa namiguje, da naj bi tako objavo jemali kot
dokaz sicer merljivega pojava.