V kratkem eseju objavljenem v časopisu The Guardian fizik Stephen Hawking razmišlja o posledicah izstopa Velike Britanije iz EU. Po njegovem je odločitvi za Brexit botrovalo pretirano enačenje bogastva zgolj z denarjem. Sodržavljanom zato predlaga, da ponovno razmislijo o primernosti tako poenostavljenega merila tega, kar je zanje nekaj vredno. Predlaga, da bi pomen besede bogastvo razširili tudi na znanje, naravne vire, človeški kapital in njihovo pravično porazdelitev.

Does money matter? Does wealth make us rich any more? These might seem like odd questions for a physicist to try to answer, but Britain’s referendum decision is a reminder that everything is connected and that if we wish to understand the fundamental nature of the universe, we’d be very foolish to ignore the role that wealth does and doesn’t play in our society.

I argued during the referendum campaign that it would be a mistake for Britain to leave the European Union. I’m sad about the result, but if I’ve learned one lesson in my life it is to make the best of the hand you are dealt. Now we must learn to live outside the EU, but in order to manage that successfully we need to understand why British people made the choice that they did. I believe that wealth, the way we understand it and the way we share it, played a crucial role in their decision. …

We all know that money is important. … Money is also important because it is liberating for individuals. … I have come to see money as a facilitator, as a means to an end – whether it is for ideas, or health, or security – but never as an end in itself.

… People are starting to question the value of pure wealth. Is knowledge or experience more important than money? Can possessions stand in the way of fulfilment? Can we truly own anything, or are we just transient custodians?

These questions are leading to a shift in behaviour which, in turn, is inspiring some groundbreaking new enterprises and ideas. These are termed “cathedral projects”, the modern equivalent of the grand church buildings, constructed as part of humanity’s attempt to bridge heaven and Earth. These ideas are started by one generation with the hope a future generation will take up these challenges.

I hope and believe that people will embrace more of this cathedral thinking for the future, as they have done in the past, because we are in perilous times. Our planet and the human race face multiple challenges. These challenges are global and serious – climate change, food production, overpopulation, the decimation of other species, epidemic disease, acidification of the oceans. Such pressing issues will require us to collaborate, all of us, with a shared vision and cooperative endeavour to ensure that humanity can survive. We will need to adapt, rethink, refocus and change some of our fundamental assumptions about what we mean by wealth, by possessions, by mine and yours. Just like children, we will have to learn to share.

If we fail then the forces that contributed to Brexit, the envy and isolationism not just in the UK but around the world that spring from not sharing, of cultures driven by a narrow definition of wealth and a failure to divide it more fairly, both within nations and across national borders, will strengthen. If that were to happen, I would not be optimistic about the long-term outlook for our species.

But we can and will succeed. Humans are endlessly resourceful, optimistic and adaptable. We must broaden our definition of wealth to include knowledge, natural resources, and human capacity, and at the same time learn to share each of those more fairly. If we do this, then there is no limit to what humans can achieve together.

Vir: Our attitude towards wealth played a crucial role in Brexit. We need a rethink | Stephen Hawking | Opinion | The Guardian

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“Does money matter? Does wealth make us rich any more?” Takšno razmišljanje je tipično za ljudi, ki so – po naključju ali kako drugače – uspeli po kriterijih tega istega sveta, ki ga zdaj kritizirajo kot pretirano orientiranega k denarju (kjer je denar (edini?) sinonim za bogastvo). Z vidika večine ljudi (vedno bolj tudi v t.i. razvitem svetu), ki je čedalje bolj revna in ki mora delati vedno več zgolj za to, da preživi, je takšno razmišljanje pač preprosto neprepričljivo. Tudi v Sloveniji smo z zakonsko opredelitvijo minimalne plače dosegli dvoje: res smo določili spodnjo mejo plače in s tem… Beri dalje »