Samopromocijski trik, ki pogostejši pri znanstvenikih kot pri znanstvenicah

Skupina raziskovalcev je nedavno predstavila analizo 1,5 milijona znanstvenih člankov objavljenih med letoma 1779 in 2011. V raziskavi so ugotovili, da je skoraj 10% vseh referenc, ki jih navajajo avtorji in avtorice člankov, samocitatov. Zanimivo pri tem je, da avtorji citirajo lastna dela bistveno pogosteje kot avtorice. Razlika med spoloma glede samocitiranja pa se v zadnjih desetletjih ne spreminja. (Vir: Men set their own cites high: Gender and self-citation across fields and over time)


How common is self-citation in scholarly publication and does the practice vary by gender? Using novel methods and a dataset of 1.5 million research papers in the scholarly database JSTOR published between 1779-2011, we find that nearly 10% of references are self-citations by a paper’s authors. We further find that over the years between 1779-2011, men cite their own papers 56% more than women do. In the last two decades of our data, men self-cite 70% more than women. Women are also more than ten percentage points more likely than men to not cite their own previous work at all. Despite increased representation of women in academia, this gender gap in self-citation rates has remained stable over the last 50 years. We break down self-citation patterns by academic field and number of authors, and comment on potential mechanisms behind these observations. These findings have important implications for scholarly visibility and likely consequences for academic careers.

We review five mechanisms, which potentially contribute to the gender self-citation gap:
(1) Men may self-cite more because they evaluate their abilities more positively than women.
(2) Men face fewer social penalties for self-promotion.
(3) Men specialize more in academic subfields, and specialization may encourage more self-citation.
(4) Men publish more papers, particularly earlier in their careers, and therefore have more work to cite.
(5) Men publish different types of papers; namely, the types of papers an academic may be more likely to self-cite. (ARXIV:1607.00376)

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