Zadnjo od potegavščin, ki slikovito opozarjajo na težave znanstvenega sistema, se je spomnil nek novozelandski profesor. Čeprav ni vedel ničesar o jedrski fiziki, je s pomočjo funkcije na telefonu, ki med pisanjem predlaga naslednjo besedo, napisal kratek povsem nesmiseln sestavek in ga poslal kot predlog prispevka na konferenco. Potrditev je prejel v treh urah.

“I know that iOS is a pretty good software, but reaching tenure has never been this close,” je zapisal na svojem blogu: iOS Just Got A Paper On Nuclear Physics Accepted At A Scientific Conference | Christoph Bartneck, Ph.D.

Tule se je posnel, kako je pristopil k pisanju:

Bartneck said that given the quality of the review process and the steep registration fee, he was “reasonably certain that this is a money-making conference with little to no commitment to science.

“I did not yet reply to their email, but I am tempted to ask them about the reviewers’ comments. That might be a funny one.”

The conference’s call for abstracts makes only a little more sense than Bartneck’s paper.

“Nuclear and sub-atomic material science it the investigation of the properties, flow and collaborations of the essential (however not major) building pieces of matter.”

A bogus research paper reading only “Get me off Your Fucking Mailing List” repeated over and over again was accepted by the International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, an open-access academic journal, in November 2014.

Vir: Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference | Science | The Guardian

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Jure Zupan
8 - št. let nazaj

To kaze le na to, da znanstveniki dnevno dobivamo vabila za pisanje clankov v lazne znanstvene casopise ter vabila na lazne konference. In ta je ocitno bila ena izmed njih. Prevaranti gredo celo tako dalec, da klonirajo strani znanih konferenc in upajo da bo kdo nasedel in jim placal kotizacijo. Ko je bil lani v Ljubljani Lepton Photon, sem slisal, da je imela lazna stran celo placan call center kjer so ti “rezevirali” hotel in sprocesirali kreditno kartico.