Novica je sicer že povsod: danes ob 10.30 po lokalnem času (ob 16.30 po srednjeevropskem času) bo LIGO kolaboracija predstavila odkritje gravitacijskih valov. Predstavitev lahko gledate recimo preko webstreama na cern strani, kjer bo izjavi za javnost sledil kolokvij Barryja Barisha (Caltech/LIGO).

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9 - št. let nazaj

Odlicen komentar od Jesterja

…the LIGO announcement starts the era of gravitational wave astronomy and
thus opens a new window on the universe. In particular, LIGO’s
discovery is a first ever observation of a black hole binary, and we
should soon learn more about the ubiquity of astrophysical systems
containing one or more black holes. Furthermore, it is possible that we
will discover completely new objects whose existence we don’t even
suspect. Still, all of the above is what I fondly call dirty astrophysics on this blog, and it does not touch upon any fundamental issues.

9 - št. let nazaj