Minuli petek so se vodje držav EU dogovorili glede predloga za EU proračun. Naslednja sedemletka financiranja raziskav Horizont 2020 bo po tem dogovoru prejela 70.9 milijarde EUR. To je sicer več kot je bil težak FP7 – 55 milijard EUR. A dodelitev sredstev v FP7 je naraščala z leti, tako da je proračun za l. 2013 10.8 milijard EUR. Za ohranitev enake ravni financiranja bi tako moral biti proračun Horizonta 2020 nekoliko višji, 74 milijard EUR.
Dobra novica je ta, da so infrastrukturni projekti kot sta navigacijski sistem Galileo in ITER izven proračuna Horizonta 2020. Več o tem na Times Higher Education in Nature News.
Se nekaj vec o stevilkah iz zapisa na ScienceNewshttp://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2013/02/in-downsized-eu-budget-mixed-new.html Research leaders have been saying for months that €80 billion is the minimum needed to make Horizon 2020 work the way it is designed. Because Framework 7 budgets increased from year to year during the funding period, 2013 funding is roughly €11 billion. That means that €70 billion over 7 years would be a decrease from current spending. In addition, the plans for Horizon 2020 include a number of new programs and initiatives that Framework 7 doesn't fund, notes Paul Boyle, chief executive of the United Kingdom's Economic and Social Research… Beri dalje »