Na AIP strani je zanimiv intervju s Sidneyem Colemanom, ze preminulim legendarnim profesorjem fizike na Harvardu. Coleman je bil znan po svojem neverjetnem intelektu in sposobnosti razlage (njegova predavanja v Erice iz sestdesetih in sedemdesetih let prejsnjega stoletja so se vedno klasicno ctivo podiplomskih studentov). Ceprav je intervju iz l. 1977 je prakticno brezcasen, posebno njegov opis svojega odnosa do poucevanja

But you do enjoy working with students or do you?
No. I hate it. You do it as part of the job. Well, that’s of course false…or maybe more true than false when I say I hate it. Occasionally there’s a student who is a joy to work with. But I certainly would be just as happy if I had no graduate students. There are plenty of colleagues around here whom I can work with. There are plenty of research fellows; junior faculty. This is true all through the Cambridge area. […] In general, working with a graduate student is like teaching a course. It’s tedious, unpleasant work. A pain in the neck. You do it because you’re paid to do it. If I weren’t paid to do it I certainly would never do it.
[…] Teaching is unpleasant work. No question about it. It has its rewards. One feels happy about having a job well done. Washing the dishes, waxing the floors (things I also do on a regular basis since I’m a bachelor) have their rewards. I am pleased when I have done a good job waxing the floor and I’ve taken an enormous pile of dirty dishes and reduced them to sparkling clean ones. On the other hand, if I didn’t have to, I would never engage in waxing the floors, although I’m good at it. I’m also good at teaching; I’m considered very good at teaching, both by myself and others. And I’m also terrifically good at washing dishes, in fact. On the other hand, I certainly would never make a bunch of dirty dishes just for the joy of washing them and I would not teach a course just for the joy of teaching a course.

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