Kako privabiti raziskovalce, ki si lahko pokrijejo stroške z evropskim denarjem?

Tudi najbolj prestižne univerze v Evropi se zavedajo, da morajo za pridobitev ERC grantov privabiti ljudi z novimi idejami in programi. Na primer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München avtomatično ponudi profesuro vsakemu, ki se je pripravljen prijaviti na ERC z LMU kot gostujočo univerzo, ne glede iz kje ta oseba izhaja. To oglašujejo v različnih revijah, pa tudi tule: Tenure Track Professorships to ERC Starting Grantees – LMU Munich.

Bi bil to morda lahko vzor tudi za slovenske inštitucije, da tako privabijo raziskovalce, ki lahko pokrijejo svoje stroške z evropskim denarjem?

Roki za ERC grante v naslednjih mesecih so:
Starting Grants 18 October 2016
Consolidator Grants 9 February 2017
Advanced Grants 31 August 2017
Proof of Concept Grants 19 January 2017

Zanimivo je tudi, da LMU kandidatom ponudi profesuro, kot je razloženo tule:

LMU offers the option of appointment to a Tenure Track Professorship (W 2) to successful applicants for ERC Starting Grants (Calls ERC-2016-StG, ERC-2017-StG). The appointment requires the successful completion of a selection procedure (analogous to that for standard faculty appointments) by the respective Faculty at LMU and a successful application for an ERC Starting Grant with LMU as the host institution.

As a first step, interested candidates are asked to get in touch with a member of the appropriate LMU Faculty. Preferably you have already been in scientific contact with the respective faculty member. For further information on LMU’s Faculties and their members, please consult the Faculty websites.

On initiative of one of its members, the respective Faculty starts a selection procedure for the appointment to the Tenure Track Professorship (W 2) after the ERC application is approved for the second stage of the evaluation process.
The initial appointment will be for five years, beginning with the conclusion of the grant agreement at the earliest. After a minimum of three years, the appointment can be converted into a permanent position depending on positive evaluation of the candidate’s performance in research and teaching as well as his or her personal aptitude and if all legal conditions are met.

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