Najrazličnejše poceni žepne naprave, ki bodo v povezavi s pametnimi telefoni znale v nekaj sekundah izvajati prej razmeroma kompleksne in drage laboratorijske analize, so naslednja velika tehnološka zgodba, ki bo kmalu postala del našega vsakdana. V videu si lahko pogledate primer žepnega spektrometra, ki se pravkar oglašuje na Kickstarterju. Apple menda tudi intenzivno razvija nekaj podobnega, kar naj bi vgradili v njihove pametne ure, ali celo v eno od naslednjih verzij iPhona.

SCiO is based on the age-old near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical basis for this material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create its own unique optical signature.

The spectrometers which are normally used for these high-end near-IR spectroscopy applications are very big and expensive. They can be the size of a laptop and cost tens of thousands of dollars. SCiO is unique as it is based on a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be mass-produced at low cost with minimal compromise on the available application. This unique feature is achieved by several technology breakthroughs our team has made in the past few years, as we reinvented the spectrometer around low-cost optics and advanced signal processing algorithms.

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum to your smartphone app via Bluetooth, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-based service. Advanced algorithms analyze the spectrum and within seconds deliver information regarding the analyzed sample back to the smartphone to be presented in real time to the user.
(Več: SCiO: Your Sixth Sense. A Pocket Molecular Sensor For All ! by Consumer Physics, Inc. — Kickstarter)

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