Nastanek MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) obeta velike spremembe za visokošolski sistem. Trenutno so MOOC ponudniki trije – dva profitna (Coursera in Udacity, oba so ustanovili Stanfordski profesorji) ter neprofitni edX (za katerim stojijo MIT, Harvard, Berkeley). Posamezen predmet vpiše tudi več kot sto tisoč študentov. Kljub zelo malemu odstotku študentov, ki predmet tudi končajo, pa le ti še vedno štejejo v tisočih, torej velikostni red ali dva več kot pri običajnih predavanjih. Kaj se bo iz te zgodbe izcimilo? Iz McKinsey analize
In this world, students will be able to credential themselves routinely via such courses and assessments as a way to bolster their résumés. When assessors persuade employers that these credentials are reliable predictors of workplace success, employers will be in a position to act as Colorado State does today. That is, they’ll have the confidence to give job candidates “credit” for work done outside the officially accredited institutions of higher education. Once this challenge to the monopoly of today’s accrediting institutions begins, a big chunk of higher education may become vulnerable to the kind of disruption the music industry experienced a decade ago, as centrally controlled and distributed albums gave way, thanks to technology, to customized playlists assembled by individuals. Substitute “degrees” for “albums” and “self-selected credentials employers value” for “playlists” and you have a feel for what may lie ahead.