Watson, program za umetno inteligenco, je minuli teden v zgodovinskem dvoboju premagal predstavnika človeštva v kvizu Jeopardy!. Človeška tekmovalca sta bila zvezdnika kviza Ken Jennings, ki ima rekord v številu zaporednih zmag, in Brad Rutter, ki drži rekord v skupnih pobranih nagradah. Na Slate.com lahko sedaj preberete vtise Kena Jenningsa o dvoboju:

I expected Watson’s bag of cognitive tricks to be fairly shallow, but I felt an uneasy sense of familiarity as its programmers briefed us before the big match: The computer’s techniques for unraveling Jeopardy! clues sounded just like mine. That machine zeroes in on key words in a clue, then combs its memory (in Watson’s case, a 15-terabyte data bank of human knowledge) for clusters of associations with those words. It rigorously checks the top hits against all the contextual information it can muster: the category name; the kind of answer being sought; the time, place, and gender hinted at in the clue; and so on. And when it feels “sure” enough, it decides to buzz. This is all an instant, intuitive process for a human Jeopardy! player, but I felt convinced that under the hood my brain was doing more or less the same thing.

[…]Watson has lots in common with a top-ranked human Jeopardy! player: It’s very smart, very fast, speaks in an uneven monotone, and has never known the touch of a woman.

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Luka Omladič
14 - št. let nazaj

Eno vprašanje je bilo "As of 2010, Croatia & Macedonia are candidates but this is the only former Yugoslav republic in the EU" Kompjuterjev napačen odgovor je bil "Srbija" 😉


Jure Zupan
14 - št. let nazaj

Slovenija je bila trd oreh tudi za oba človeška tekmovalca: (Brad: What is Bosnia?) (Watson: What is Serbia?), Ken pa je bil pametno tiho. Watson ga je sicer najbolj ustrelil mimo drugi dan. V kategoriji "U.S. CITIES" je na vprasanje: "Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero; its second largest, for a World War II battle" odgovoril "What is Toronto?????" (pravilen odgovor je Chicago, Toronto pa kot ve vsak ameriski osnovnosolec, ni v ZDA). Veliko vprasajev sicer pomeni, da Watson se zdalec ni bil preprican v odgovor, a ker je to bil Final Jeopardy! je bil… Beri dalje »

13 - št. let nazaj

A so ga pozabli nafilat s podatki iz Wikipedije? 😉

13 - št. let nazaj