Letošnji Nobelov nagrajenec za fiziko Gerard Mourou je pred nekaj leti s študenti posnel video z naslovom “Have you seen ELI”, ki si ga lahko ogledate spodaj. Nekateri so bili prepričani, da ga lahko to stane Nobelove nagrade, a se je kot kaže vse dobro izteklo.

“The clip, titled “Have you seen ELI” was made by the French CNRS for and together with the ELI Delivery Consortium, which is funded by the EU and EU states with €850 million. … As I learned, these two ladies were professional dancers specifically recruited to impersonate students in this video. Yet the other young women in the dancing scene, all wearing dark glasses, are students of Mourou’s.” (Vir: The alpha males of physics – For Better Science)

Glej tudi: Quand le Nobel Gérard Mourou se mettait en scène dans un clip musical potache

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Seveda bi bilo fino na tem mestu razložiti, kaj je ELI: Extreme Light Infrastructure, katere koordinator je bil prav Mourou.

Če je to posnel že pred nekaj leti, je bilo to verjetno v času, ko so porabili že stotine milijonov evrov, pa še ni bilo nobenih rezultatov, ali?