CRISPR in prihodnost človeštva

Vanessa Hill, avtorica PBS oddaje BrainCraft, se je v novem polurnem dokumentarcu o etičnih in družbenih vidikih tehnologije CRISPR pogovarjala z mnogimi strokovnjaki na različnih koncih sveta.

Članek o novi tehnologiji: CRISPR – biotehnologija prihodnosti – Kvarkadabra

If you could, would you design your DNA? And should you be able to? Gene editing technologies, including CRISPR, have the potential to save lives and cure disease; but using them also comes with risk. In this documentary, I talk to experts around the world to explore the scientific potential and societal implications – and let you come to your own conclusions about this technology. So, would you like to place an order? BrainCraft was created by Vanessa Hill and is brought to you by PBS Digital Studios. (iz reklame za dokumentarec)

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