Ron Unz na The American Conservative razvije nekoliko drugacen pogled na veliki endowment, ki ga ima Harvard. Da namrec lahko na Harvard gledamo tudi kot na veliki hedge-fund, ki ima kot privesek izobrazevalno sekcijo zaradi davcnih olajsav:

… Harvard’s Division of Arts and Sciences—the central core of academic activity—contains approximately 450 full professors, whose annual salaries tend to average the highest at any university in America. Each year, these hundreds of great scholars and teachers receive aggregate total pay of around $85 million. But in fiscal 2004, just the five top managers of the Harvard endowment fund shared total compensation of $78 million, an amount which was also roughly 100 times the salary of Harvard’s own president. 

… The typical private foundation is legally required to spend 5 percent of its assets on charitable activities, and with Harvard’s endowment now back over $30 billion, that sum would come to around $1.5 billion annually. This is many times the total amount of undergraduate tuition …

Ob rob: iz zgornjih stevilk tudi lahko razberete povprecno placo rednega profesorja na oddelku  Arts and Sciences Harvardske univerze, 188 tisoc USD letno.

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11 - št. let nazaj

Tukaj je pa še popravek s strani Harvarda, kjer mdr. pišejo, da imajo 1050 profesorjev.

Jim je pa treba priznati, da je 12,3% povprečni letni donos v 20 letih kar dosežek. Ne vem, koliko "preostalih" hedge fundov se lahko ponaša s takim donosom.