Kako uveljaviti enakost spolov?

Na Univerzi Harvard so pripravili kratka navodila, kako se je najbolj pametno lotiti uveljavljanja enakosti spolov. Pravijo, da moramo izhajati iz predpostavke, da so človeški možgani po svoji naravi vedno pristranski. Da bi bila družba čim bolj pravična, vključujoča in učinkovita, moramo zato pri odločanju postopati podobno, kot zadnja desetletja simfonični orkestri izvajajo avdicije. Od sedemdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja naprej igrajo potencialni novi člani in članice orkestrov na avdicijah skriti za zaveso, tako da lahko komisija dejansko posluša le glasbo in si vtisa ne ustvari že po videzu, barvi kože ali spolu glasbenika ali glasbenice. Odkar velja to pravilo, se je delež žensk v orkestrih povečal s 5% na 35%.

Predlagajo nekaj konkretnih metod, kako se lotiti naloge:

1. Use screens

Orchestras use screens to help evaluators focus on musicians’ ability instead of their looks (read the study ➥). Managers in office settings can use “electronic curtains” to hide names on resumes or other information that can distract them from finding true talent.

2. Evaluate people comparatively

When we evaluate one candidate alone, our brain can’t help but compare the candidate to our own idea of what a desirable job applicant would look like. Unfortunately, this idea may be a stereotype and can prevent us from seeing the best candidate. Comparing two or more candidates to each other helps us concentrate on what matters most (read the study ➥).

3. Add portraits to your walls

Sometimes, the smallest details can help us create fair and friendly environments. In research experiments (read the study ➥), women who saw portraits of female leaders performed better on leadership tasks than those who did not. Hang up diverse portraits in your hallways and make everyone feel confident and welcome!

4. Make information simple, salient, and comparative

People are busy, information flies at them from many directions, competing for their limited attention. Remove barriers by presenting information in a simple, salient, and comparative way (read the study ➥). If you know what works, clearly indicate how your option compares to others and how it will impact people’s lives.

5. Set goals

Use rankings to motivate people to compete towards gender equality, as the WEF Gender Gap Report or the UN Gender Inequality Index do among countries. Set goals and make the successes of others notable and public, as the UK did to nudge more gender diversity on hits companies boards of directors.

(Vir: What Works | Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School)

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6 - št. let nazaj

Kako uveljaviti enakost spolov?
Odgovor: Enakosti spolov ni mogoče doseči, kajti spola nista enaka. /to bo mogoče nekje v prihodnosti, če nas bo tja pripeljala evolucija/ Spola sta lahko enakopravna, spola sta lahko komplementarna, nikakor pa nista enaka.