Znanost zavezovanja vezalk

V reviji Proceedings of the Royal Society je bila danes objavljena eksperimentalna študija zavezovanja vezalk z naslovom The roles of impact and inertia in the failure of a shoelace knot. V raziskavi so znanstveniki s kalifornijske univerze Berkeley preučili, zakaj se nam lahko vezalke nenadoma odvežejo, pri tem pa pokazali tudi, da ni vseeno, kakšen vozel uporabimo. Z uporabo zelo preprostega trika, ki se ga lahko naučite v spodnjem videu, se vam bodo vezalke bistveno manjkrat nepričakovano odvezale. Poenostavljeno rečeno je ključno, da tudi pri zavezovanju vezalk uporabimo ambulantni vozel.

Tule je kratko triminutno TED predavanje, v katerem se lahko naučimo preprostega trika, kako zavezati vezalke, da se nam ne bodo odvezovale:

The study focused on the mysterious phenomenon by which a shoe is neatly and securely tied one moment, and the next a flapping lace is threatening to trip you up – possibly as you are running for the bus or striding with professional purpose across your open-plan office.

In a series of experiments involving a human runner on a treadmill and a mechanical leg designed to swing and stomp, the scientists revealed that shoelace knot failure happens in a matter of seconds, triggered by a complex interaction of forces. …

The findings also revealed what knot experts, such as sailors and surgeons, have long suggested: that the granny knot many of us use to tie our laces comes undone far quicker than an alternative method that is no more complex. …

According to the data, the lace slippage rate was cut by at least a factor of five using a square knot compared with a granny knot. “Simply reversing the way we form the final knot when tying laces makes a huge difference,” Matthews said. …

The study suggests the square knot works better because the impact of the foot loosens the knot more slowly, but the scientists were not able to establish why this is the case. (Vir: Scientists unravel mystery of the loose shoelace | Science | The Guardian)

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