Pred nekaj meseci so profesorico prava Patricio Leary z anonimko obtožili, da so jo na kampusu vsaj enkrat videli oblečeno v majico z napisom “Black Lives Matter”, kar naj bi vzpodbujalo nasilje, bilo rasistično in sploh neprimerno za na univerzo. Na obtožbe se je profesorica odzvala za daljšim pismom, ki ga je vredno prebrati. Ne le, da je obtožbe argumentirano zavrnila, ampak je študente spotoma tudi marsikaj podučila. Pismo sklene z besedami: “I believe that every moment in life (and certainly in the life of law school) can be an occasion for teaching and learning. Thank you for creating an opportunity for me to put this deeply held belief into practice.” (Vir: Law professor responds to students who complained about her Black Lives Matter shirt)

Law professor’s response to student offended by their shirt

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